This page displays a table with Puerto Rico Imports By Category in U.S. dollars, according to the United Nations COMTRADE database on international trade.

Porto Rico Commerce Dernier Précédent Le plus élevé Le Plus Bas Unité
Balance Commerciale -618.27 167.18 4657.10 -923.80 Usd Million [+]
Compte Courant 86.90 323.00 14325.80 -6608.10 Usd Million [+]
Exportations 3772.50 4785.00 8368.60 3049.20 Usd Million [+]
Importations 4391.00 4618.00 5465.00 2021.60 Usd Million [+]
Les flux des capitaux 1208.40 2075.30 16178.10 -9325.70 Usd Million [+]
Arrivées Touristiques 79.50 95.00 231.20 0.00 Mille [+]